Past Performance
US Army
Family Communications Program
Previously the Army command units’ web sites were static and required a web developer to edit the source code in order to post new items. This process had a very slow turnaround time and required many technical resources to manage. CGM developed of a custom Web Content Management System that gave unit commanders and their staff to ability to communicate real-time information and photo journals while maintaining adherence to Department of Defense, Army, and Fort Jackson Public Affairs Office guidelines for general public release of information. The key functionality is the ability of regular users to easily and seamlessly add and approve new content to the sites, thus improving the communications between soldiers and their loved ones.
SC Archives and History
Share Point Infrastructure
CGM developed a new Online Records Index web application to make it easier for the public to access images of historical records. Implemented a share point infrastructure, .Net architecture and enhanced data security. The design incorporated style sheets and themes to reduce maintenance effort and insure consistency throughout the site making is easier for the staff to update. The web site and database were moved to separate servers to improve security and performance. The SQL statements were converted into compiled stored procedures to reduce site maintenance and improve performance. The site was moved to hardware that has adequate resources to support peak usage periods. Microsoft best practices were adopted to manage the development, testing and deployment of site, updates and maintenance.
US Army Fort Jackson
Moncrief Hospital
CGM is currently working with Moncrief Army Hospital to upgrade their existing data communication networks. This includes replacing all existing data communication cable (cat5e and cat6e) in the hospital and wide area network fiber projects (underground and aerial) to the remote medical clinics and aide stations; Maintenance of the telephone systems and wiring; Evaluation of the wide area network.
Department of Homeland Security
Language Translation Lab
CGM Computer Consulting has provided continuing support for the US Army at Fort Jackson South Carolina. We have provided technicians to support their Interpreter Language Training Operations. Our project managers, network engineers and technicians have knowledge of DOD and DA ADP policies, standards and procurement procedures sufficient to advise leaders of ADP projects on these matters as they relate to computer systems.
South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice
Juvenile Justice Management System
We have provided resources that converted legacy data, architected and implemented a thin client multi-tier web solution. In only six months, we were able to help architect and implement their system's infrastructure. They now have a seamless, customized management solution that has allowed SC Department of Juvenile Justice's staff in 50 locations across the state to access the JJMS System easily, in a user-friendly manner.
Wilbur Smith
Our in house development team analyzed, designed and developed a custom airport system. The project source code was written in,, SQL Server and Java to run on a Windows and Linux operating system. The software developed was part of a larger system that allows airports to track capital improvement projects that will be considered for state and federal funding.
South Carolina Commission For the Blind
CGM migrated from NT Domain to Win2003 Active Directory Domain, migrated from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003. We managed Help Desk by monitoring and expediting duties among other contract employees. We provided Tier 1, 2 and 3 support for all clients of SCCB, provided full network support for SCCB and assistance to the Assistive Technology, Red Cross, and TSD divisions of SCCB. Replaced all DOS based software with Windows, or XML based solutions.